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Casting Your Net A Little Deeper

3 Simon Peter said unto them, “I am going fishing.” They said unto him, “We also go with thee.” They went forth and entered into a boat immediately; and that night they caught nothing.

4 But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.

5 Then Jesus said unto them, “Children, have ye any meat?” And they answered Him, “No.”

6 And He said unto them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and ye shall find.” They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it in for the multitude of fishes. -- John 21: 3-6 KJV

Jesus had been crucified at the time of this passage. However, he had risen from the grave and proceeded to reveal himself to his followers who were reeling from uncertainty. We sometimes go through phases in life in which it seems like Jesus is missing during our time of uncertainty. We must realize that Jesus is not missing but is revealing himself; and is guiding us into the next level of our faith. In this scripture, Jesus was standing on the shores watching his disciples as they toiled. When we go through life uncertain and frustrated with our endeavors, feeling foolish because things are not working as we sincerely believed they were supposed to, we must know that Jesus is standing on the shores of our faith watching and observing.

We must understand that He is the author and finisher of our faith and is always there to guide us as we labor. It is during these times we must listen because He will always ask questions as we work. Jesus asked his disciples, "Children, have ye any meat?" They had been toiling all night using the skills they were gifted with to catch something they were familiar with for nourishment. Have you ever worked on something all night or for an extended period of time using tools you were comfortable with because you had faith that they will yield the results you needed? Have you ever been so confident in your ability only to be disappointed that you were not able to accomplish what you believed you could? Sometimes we may invest our labor into something believing that it will yield a profitable result only to find that our hard work remained fruitless.

When we operate in our flesh and depend solely on our gifts and ability we will remain fruitless just like the disciples within this scripture. When we operate without seeking God's direction, we will find that our nets will always be empty. The question is after you have given it your all, "Do you have any fruit from your labor? Do you have any substance that will sustain you and nourish you with life?" During these times of transition, God not only asks you if you have any sustenance, He will also direct you in how to get what you need; but only after you realize that what you are doing is not working. In verse six of this passage, Jesus instructed his disciples to, "Cast your net to the other side." When the disciples followed Jesus direction, they caught approximately 153 fish according to verse 11. When we go through transitions in life and we labor to be productive, our efforts will not lead to results until we change perspective. When we focus on one side of our position, we will miss the abundance that lay just on the opposite side from which we observe.

Life transitions will come. We will have to go through times in which Jesus will seem to have left from our lives. We will go through phases in life in which we will experience a sense of frustration and futility. It will seem as if the security we once felt in Jesus presence will have dissipated. Reflection will prove that it is during these times that we are focused in our own opinions and fleshly desires. It is during these times, Jesus will instruct us to, "Cast your net to the other side." During these times the Holy Spirit will guide us in changing our perspective so that we may receive breakthrough to abundance; abundance in every area of our life. It is then we will find that when we obey Him He has already prepared food to nourish us. God will sup with us when we obey His direction and make our way to Him. The disciples had been toiling in the thing that they were skilled to do; yet Peter was found naked in his labors. Jesus had told Peter before that He would make him a fisherman of men; but he had not caught a single fish. Peter had not been clothed in operating in God's anointing while he labored. God had to interrupt his labor to instruct him how to labor with revelation of how to gain fish in abundance.

Thus, although Jesus had once told Peter he would become a fisherman of men, Peter had yet to operate in his anointing. He had to learn how to flow in the anointing of that calling. Peter had to get into the proper position in order for his gifting to flow right. When we operate in our flesh, we labor in vain; for in the flesh we can not expect to gain spiritual depth. We have to cast our net to the other side of familiarity. We have to turn from our way of doing things and embrace God's way. God is asking, "Children do you have any meat from your labors? Is what you doing working? Is what you doing producing fruit?" If we operate on the wrong side of the boat, we will need to switch perspectives and come into alignment with God. Are you operating in the anointing? Are you naked in your gift? Are you ashamed of your labors? Peter was ashamed of his work when he realized that he was failing at what he was working on. It was not that he was not equipped to operate in what he was endeavoring. He just failed to do it with the Lord. Jesus was on the shores of his faith but was not in the boat with him. Thus, his net remained empty.

Are you ready to cast your net to the right side? Are you ready to go to deeper depths to reach maturity levels in the Lord? Are you ready to reach the anointing to surpass Logos Word (written Word). Are you ready to stop being comfortable with operating at the surface level of your faith? Are you ready for Rhema (active, living Word)? God is calling us to the depths. He is calling us to activate the anointing within us through obedience to His Spirit. It is Christ the risen Messiah who instructed the disciples on how to flow in their gift. God's Word is not dead but alive! Jesus is standing on the shores of our faith calling to us with a table prepared for us; He is waiting to mentor us in our faith for He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Today, hear the clarion call of the Lord, "Children do you have any meat?" Allow Him to show you how to operate from the depths of who you are called to be.


Prophetess Sherri Thomas

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